Even more reasons why The Body Camp is loving RENS clean planet theme!
Not only have we made an extremely exciting decision this year to go 100% plant-based, for health and environmental reasons, we have also decided that the time is now to make those changes to affect the bigger picture of our planet.
When we choose our partners, we look to see if we share similar values. We have chosen to partner up with REN as they most definitely align with our ethos. REN is a brand which is tackling the bigger waste issues head on. They have pledged to become Zero Waste by 2021 (redeveloping their packaging to be 100% recyclable) they avoid synthetics, use fully organic non-toxic formulations and most of their products are vegan-friendly – whats not to love!? Although they use plastic bottles, the plastic they use has been kept in the recycling loop. They use biodegradable films on their gift boxes and recycling zips on their bags. REN are aware of the importance of change and flexibility and are always upgrading, redeveloping and readjusting their packaging to make it as planet friendly as possible.
On camp we are doing our bit. We have introduced a BYOB rule, instead of using single-use plastic bottles and have designed our very own stainless steel, reusable (and very sexy) bottle. The lifeblood of our brand is to help people become conscious of their patterns and to become the best version of themselves. We believe in order to do that it is just as important to become conscious of how to also make the world a better place to live. To get the most out of The Body Camp, one needs to give back. It is so important to recognise that every little step one takes, collectively can turn into a big leap. Our aim is for our guests to do a 360: – to become aware how turning off lights, lowering our water and plastic usage and going green (plant-based) will make a massive difference to the world we live in.
We use REN in all our bedrooms and bathrooms in Mallorca and sell their wonderful face SPF cream as it just so happens, whilst trying to save the planet, their products are also amazing for all skin types! Clean and green. If REN can do it, we can too.
Let’s make green the new black!