Sugar is the New Fat

Here are ten you need-to-know items about sugar from Europe’s hottest new retreat, The Body Camp.

The Six Most Common Self Sabotage Excuses!

1. “I don’t have time to exercise.”  You may be busy, and you may have a lot of responsibilities, but we all have the same amount of time – all the time there is: 24 hours a day.

14 To Thrive

Here at in Ibiza, we encourage the following “14 ways to thrive” to lead a healthy lifestyle…

Six Tips to Keeping in Shape When You Travel

Set a goal to come home in better shape than when you left. This is the key to it all: The next time you travel, a time when most people surrender to stress, fast food and busy schedules, set a goal to come back in better shape than when you left.

Cardio for Fat Burning

There are MANY ways to do cardio to burn fat and all of them have their place at certain times for certain people….. HIIT is sprints or burst training, are also known as High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT for short.

The Four Levels of Accountability

The four levels of accountability are here for your future success! Accountability is a MASSIVE leverage factor in achieving any kind of success, whether in business or in a wellness and health programme.

Make it Stick

We meet people who visit Ibiza, to spend valuable time at They want to make permanent changes to their lifestyle after visiting us.