Make sure the only thing getting stuffed this Christmas is the turkey!

At Christmas, most people put on 10lbs over the holiday period, due to a combination of factors. In this blog, we will look at five easy ways to reduce the damage and finally stop the “new year’s diets and exercise plans” that 90% of people fail after an over indulgent holiday.

Be A Frog!

Why do we never see a frog in a car park? So, if you were a frog – where would your POND of choice be?

How To Get Your Mojo Back!

Life throws at us all many challenges and it’s all too easy to lose your mojo. Many guests who spend a week with us quickly recover from setbacks they have experienced in the past and bounce back. There are many ways people rediscover their mojo at The Body Camp!

The Best Ways To Monitor Fat Loss

What’s the best way to measure fat loss and progress when we begin exercising or a new diet? This week’s blog from in Ibiza is about weighing scales!

No More Boring Workouts

No more boring workouts! Need to spice it up? Are you tired of doing the same old run, lifting the same old weights the same old boring way and not seeing a change in your body?

Beliefs And How They Control Your Destiny

Did you know BELIEFS CONTROL YOUR DESTINY? In this week’s blog, we are going to look at something that influences our daily decisions in every moment – our CORE BELIEFS.

The Left Or Right Path?

In this week’s blog, we are going to look at how we can make better decisions around food, alcohol and other events which happen to us in life.

The Ten Benefits of Exercising In A Cooler Climate

In today’s blog from we look at 10 major benefits of spending a week exercising in cooler temperatures in the UK, now available at our Heart Core Retreat, from the 3rd to 24th February, on our private island near London….

10 Reasons to Practise Tai Chi

Tai chi is “Meditation is motion” which involves deep breathing and combined with slow, focused moves. Originally designed for self defense, tai chi comes from China. Its a non competitive, self paced system of gentle movements and stretching.